I was terrified.
I used to have a recurring fear that I was going to end up in a hospital, not be able to pay my bills, my family would have to bail me out, they would resent me and they would never come to visit me because I would be too depressed and anxious.
A couple of years ago I learned that this literally happened to one of my relatives.
We are not able to know what we’re capable of when we are lost in our fate/family trauma.
We know what our fate is by noticing the stories the mind tells us over and over again. Noticing the reoccurring fears that come up is also very telling.
When we begin to let go of our family’s trauma/beliefs we begin to get a glimpse of our true potential and we begin to slide into KNOWing what we truly are capable of.
For many years I have talked about how our CONditioning robs us of our authentically, the present moment and knowing what our true potential is.
In 2020 I took a powerful training for facilitators focused on inherited family trauma and the break in the bond with the mother.
I’ve come to realize that when we are stuck in our family drama/trauma and haven’t healed our ‘attachment trauma’ we are living out our fate. We rarely feel safe. Especially when we are moving out of our comfort zone. I facilitate this work for people now in private sessions.
Once we are able to disconnect from the traumatic stories our minds tells us over and over again about ourselves and the world we begin to get a sense of what our destiny truly is.
We are no longer viewing ourself through the CONditioning of the mind.
We experience being present more often, we begin to appreciate our unique gifts and we are clearly able to see what we are capable of. Also living in the richness of our authenticity is more effortless.
I would be honored to help you gracefully step into your destiny. Learn more about my 1:1 coaching services.

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