I recently went though a wild experience.
I released 10 pounds which had been a goal of mine. I’d been wanting to drop this weight for a long time yet as the weight came off I felt more and more anxious and unsettled about it.
For many years I have been talking about self sabotage. On a certain level self sabotage is actually self preservation. Preservation of a fragile ego, of limiting beliefs and a wounded inner child.
We adopt certain beliefs and behaviors, mostly unconscious now, in infancy and our early childhood developmental years as a protection from feeling afraid and unsafe. At this early age we don’t have the capability of understanding why upsetting and unsettling things are happening to us or the resources to handle the chaos that comes with it.
What I realized is I was dealing with intense anxiety as I dissolved the weight because it didn’t feel safe. Instead, it felt threatening to enjoy the weight loss as well as receiving the feelings of well being that accompany such events when there are no inner blocks.
By deeply looking at the source of what was happening I came up with a new and profound process to move through the fear and ground myself.
If there’s a limiting belief that we’re holding unto, consciously or unconsciously, that gives us messages that our goals are unsafe one of two things will happen. One, we won’t be able to attain the goal we set our for ourselves and will experience great frustration, anger and hurt. Or two, we will reach our goal under great stress and strain with an inability to enjoy our accomplishment and we’ll most likely be afraid of it being taken away. Both outcomes are an early self-protective blueprint that we now experience as self sabotage.
This why attempting to change your thoughts with affirmations and visualizations, usually with great effort, are mostly ineffective unless you get down to the personal roots of your self-protective mechanism from infancy and early childhood. When you reach the roots this leads to a remarkable healing that has to be experienced to be believed. Then your thoughts, affirmations and visualizations naturally flow in a life-affirmative movement that only needs gentle encouragement on your end. You’ll discover this movement is soon flowing effortlessly with real results that are evident in your life.
Remember, your thoughts/beliefs are generated from the unconscious/wounded inner child. Once you get to the root of this and have a way to feel safe more consistently, your thoughts naturally become more positive and life affirming and taking action steps for your goals and new years resolutions also become effortless.
I teach many different techniques that regulate the nervous system to support you in this beautiful endeavor in moving out of your fate and into your life destiny.
This is made possible through deep understandings and processes that assist in moving you from your sympathetic nervous system into your parasympathetic nervous system. It’s then that you’ll know the deepest and truest meaning of inner and outer transformation.
This is why I am known as “The Nervous System Whisperer”
The powerful yet gently new process I put together moved me into a place of feeling safe in my leaner body and maintaining a weight that feels great along with being able to receive the feelings of well being that have come with reaching my goal of my desired weight.

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